An Opportunity to Serve

For the past eight-years I’ve written this alternative opinion blog, neither always right or always wrong, just one man’s jaded opinion on the news and newsmakers of the day. 

Since its inception, I have never asked for a subscription fee from the thousands who view this blogsite each month or sought advertising revenue.  I always felt accepting renumeration would cheapen the message. 

Besides, I’m certainly not a ‘professional journalist’ – just a frustrated blowhard with internet access and, perhaps, too much time on my hands…    

My goal has always been to stimulate a larger discussion of the issues we collectively face – because I learn from those who disagree with me – and nothing is more enlightening (or humbling) than when I am proven wrong.

Truth be told, I have great friendships with some of those elected officials and “movers & shakers” I have taken to the woodshed.  A few I’ve known since we were kids. While we don’t always agree, their insight and contributions are invaluable, and I appreciate their acceptance of these barbs and criticisms with due consideration and good humor.   

Recently, some good people I care deeply about have been through a difficult time and I offered my help.

The great privilege of my life was the three-decades I served the citizens of the City of Holly Hill – doing work worth doing for people who truly appreciated the effort.  A wonderful community who gave me all I have or will ever have – mostly an enduring sense of appreciation for allowing me the opportunity to serve others in a meaningful way.   

For the next several weeks, I will serve the officers and staff of the Holly Hill Police Department in an interim administrative role while city officials complete the process of seating a new Chief of Police. 

In retirement, I discovered that a meaningful life is defined by purpose – not leisure – spending oneself in a worthy pursuit, one greater than our own self-interests.  It is incredibly fulfilling to be of service again – especially to those I love so dearly.

For the meantime, it is right that I put Barker’s View on hold to focus my attention on the important needs at hand.   

For those who read, contemplate, and share Barker’s View, I appreciate you more than words can describe.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support. 

Whether we agree or vehemently disagree on the issues of the day – your participation, encouragement, and friendship continue to enrich my life immeasurably

Angels all.    

I hope you stay active and involved in local politics, run for elective office, volunteer for causes that move you, participate, vote your conscience, stand up, speak out, and contribute your voice to the discussion.  It’s important. 

That’s all for me, kids… 

For now.

Much love,


23 thoughts on “An Opportunity to Serve

  1. Thank you Mark for stepping in and keeping Holly Hill safe. You are a true hero. Sincerely,
    Kelly Pancratz Nixon


  2. Enjoy your retirement respite. Looking forward to your return after you serve the city of Holly Hill.


  3. Your voice will be missed. But I understand your need to serve your fine community. Retirement, as you rightly say, isn’t always about leisure. Besides you will get the opportunity to serve with Joe Forte! One of the finest public servants I have known.  Good luck


  4. Thank you for all your blogs and encouragement to all to get involved. Best of luck in your new endeavor!


  5. What an honor to be asked to serve again and good for you for stepping up to the job. I agree 100% with your statement that the life of a retiree is filled with purpose and giving back. I am doing much the same in NSB. My involvement keeps me going each and everyday. We are blessed!


  6. Who better to provide the interim leadership needed at this pivotal time. We will miss your musings and common sense. Good luck and do come back soon. Linda Leary


  7. Timing, as usual, is everything. No wonder Robins felt free to throw down with Chief Young 😏

    Friday mornings won’t be the same for a while. Thanks for stepping up, and good luck.


  8. Mark – your commentary will be missed – who else can we trust for the truth? –  but we respect and honor your commitment to the City of Holly Holls.  Please let your loyal followers know when you return – we need our Barker’s View weekly fix!! 





    Mike Dorsett

    Sent from my iPhone


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  9. Will miss you.What caused the firings and quiting?. Good luck with your future.Let us know when you will be back.Politics makes good people into bad.Now this family are registered NPA.God bless.


  10. Mr. Barker, Your blog is both refreshing and eye opening. Once your graciousness has been extended, and the City of Holly Hill has a permanent chief, I hope you will pick up where you left off. I appreciate your willingness to speak your truth and reveal the saints and the sinners in and amongst us all. Thank you for your continued service to our community (Volusia) and for keeping us safe from ourselves and others. Marla


  11. Good on you for assisting HH when their need arose.

    Did you see Embry Riddle landed Boeing as a tenant for the entire Brown Center for Aerospace Technology at the research park? An estimated 400 jobs will be created. Took a while to accomplish the feat, but that is no surprise to those who pursue significant change. There will always be naysayers, but with patience and persistence those who dedicate themselves to accomplishing worthy ends typically achieve success. Congratulations ERAU, Team Volusia and other economic development participants who helped make this a reality.


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